Download Call for Tutorials [PDF]
NTERSPEECH conferences are attended by researchers with a long-term track-record in speech sciences and technology, as well as by early-stage researchers or researchers interested in a new domain within the INTERSPEECH areas. An important part of the conference is the tutorials held on the first day of the conference (September 18, 2022). Speakers with long and deep expertise in speech will provide their audience with a rich learning experience associated with longstanding research problems, contemporary topics of research and currently emerging areas.
We encourage proposals of addressing introductory or advanced topics in an introductory style as well as targeting experienced researchers who have digged deeper into a given new topic. Tutorials, each 3-hour duration, may introduce an emerging area of speech-related research, or present an overview of an established area of research, rather than focus on the presenter’s individual research.
Proposals for the INTERSPEECH 2022 tutorials may be no more than 4 pages long and must conform to the format stated above; please use clear headings to indicate each point.
Proposals should be submitted by email to by March 31, 2022.
Notification of accepted proposals will be given by April 15, 2022.
By submitting a proposal, the presenter(s) understand the ISCA policy of strongly encouraging video recording of the tutorial for education purposes if the proposal is accepted. Access to recording materials will be given via ISCA Video Archives.